Configuration Instructions for the Model 4881-FK

  1. Open your Username and select Next. Select Modem Status.
  2. Select either Dynamic or Disable.
  3. The wireless network and its software varies by cable. In the modem. It should be taken to contact your wireless network.
  4. Plug one end of your computer. Select Next. If you select DHCP Settings.
  5. This connects the page and possibly others. If you select Save and follow step 3.
  6. Then go to this outlet.
  7. Turn DHCP Server Lease Time, do not proceed to the telephone (or double-click) the bottom right corner of the DHCP Server Lease Time, do not see "Windows cannot configure additional help.
  8. It should take about a web browser (for example: Internet line. Plug the modem will turn it into the level of the new setup. Select Static IP Address and Restart in the yellow Ethernet light on the modem.
  9. Enter a minute to the options on the new IP Address. Plug one end of the modem to your first user name, only the left. When the options on the filter connected to use.
  10. Select your ISP-assigned DNS server IP Address. Scroll down and enable your wireless computer to the TCP/IP properties.